Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I want to invite you to join my paying social network that paid better then theother, the alexa page rank is increasingly, join for free:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New great social network

Create your own banner at!
Make your own banner at!

Klikot is the future of social networking, the first global social network that shares its revenues with its users. By creating content and inviting friends, users receive real money as a valued recognition of their contribution to the site. This is an internet revolution acknowledging that a site is its users and not its owners.

It’s not all about the money and contribution though. Klikot is a free advanced state-of-the art social network, developed industriously by the top experts in its field. Users in Klikot receive an outstanding user experience while being provided, like in the top global social networks, with great features and technologies such as multi network chat, applications foundation, mailbox, games, articles, albums, events, groups, blogs, discussions, and much more.

join here:
Permition by Widhie Pudjiastuti aka Makwik

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Great Social Network

This New Social Network give $10 per referral, please join here

Did you know you can make money simply by giving your affiliate link located in your MyPage to a friend to signup for our "Live Like a Celebrity" service?

Join TONS of affiliates getting paid doing exactly that!

How does our iRIMz Affiliate Program Work?

Because we like things simple, EVERYONE has an affiliate link on their "MyPage."

You'll then refer friends, colleagues, and others who want to "Live Like a Celebrity" with your affiliate link. When they click your link and sign-up for those services, we get an email and we will send you $10 or $100! It's that simple.


Your affiliate link is located on your MyPage, ie: -- simply send to your contacts list, email list, blog, or advertise via AdWords. When your contacts signup for services, you will receive your money via Paypal!

When we receive visitors through your affiliate-tagged links, we'll associate that visitor with your affiliate account. If they then order the Celebrity Service on that visit, you'll receive $10! If they sign up for Celeb Rilla, you'll receive $100 CASH!

Massive Amounts of Cash

When someone you refer to us orders the "Live Like a Celebrity" service, you'll earn $10, on every person you sign up, with NO LIMITS.


You refer Joe to us, and he signs up for the $39.95 "Live Like a Celebrity" service and you receive $10.

You get 10 friends to sign up, that is $10x10 friends = $100 dollars!

All to YOU!

Example II:

You refer Brittany to us, and she signs up for the $1000 Celeb Rilla service you will receive $100 bucks!!! Simple, and easy!

You get 10 friends to sign up, that is $100x10 friends = $1000 dollars!

All to YOU!

If you sign up anyone for the $1000 a year Celeb Rilla service then you make $100 bucks! YES, $100 bucks!!!